You Are Happening to the World

By Tara M Martin

Aug 17

Life is a fascinating interplay between our experiences and our reactions to them. The intricate dance between external events and our internal responses shapes our understanding of the world and our place within it. 

This duality is beautifully captured in the quote from Suzanna in the series The Summer I Turned Pretty, "The world is happening to you, but you are also happening to the world." 

The World as a Canvas

"The world is happening to you." This part of the quote reminds me that we are constantly bombarded with a myriad of stimuli from the external environment. From the rising sun painting the sky with hues of orange and pink to the challenges that smack us in the face without warning, life is a continuous stream of events that influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions. 

It's easy to feel like a passive observer in this grand theater of life and just blame the world for "happening" to us. But that's only the first part of the quote above.

Let's explore that second half.

Reacting vs. Responding

It's natural to react to the world around us. However, the real power lies in our ability to respond meaningfully rather than react impulsively. I feel like this is where the second part of the quote comes into play: "...but YOU are also happening to the world." 

We are not mere bystanders; we are participants in the unfolding story of our lives. How we respond is noticed by all who are within our realm of influence. 

We become active co-creators of our reality when we purposefully choose our response to these external events--welcomed or not. 

Stay with me. Let's take it a step further. 

Now, what if you decided to share your responses to these wanted or unwanted challenges with others? Now you are "happening" to the world on a whole new level! It's hard to want to share. It's real and raw sometimes, but might that be where the power lies?

Empowerment Through Perspective

I believe our perspective plays a pivotal role in determining the impact of external events on our inner world. Imagine two individuals facing the same setback: one might view it as a devastating failure, while the other sees it as an opportunity for growth. It's all about being REAL and allowing our perceptions to filter the world through the lens of our experiences and values. 

I feel like with my latest health challenges, there was a fork in the road where I had to choose to let myself sink into a dark, ugly place of frustration and pitty or accept my reality and fight for complete wellness. 

When I chose to accept my current reality and acknowledge my perspective, I was able to transform this beast of a challenge into little stepping stones. I stopped viewing them as setbacks and began seeing them as baby steps toward my ultimate goal--complete wellness.

It came down to me choosing to be intentional with my response. It wasn't easy but necessary to move in a more productive direction. 

Intentional Living

No matter what challenge you might be facing, to harness the power of "happening to the world," we must embrace intentional living. Set clear intentions for how you want to show up in the world and actively align your thoughts and behaviors with those choices. We choose how we "happen" to the world; that's powerful.

A Few Practical Steps that Helped Me:
  1. Connecting with Thought Partners: My therapist and my closest friends helped me think through a lot of my emotions. It's hard for me to open up. I tend to write in my journal and hold things in, but connecting helped me a lot.
  2. Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for both the pleasant and challenging aspects of life. This shift in perspective helped me gain a deeper appreciation of my current reality. 
  3. Empathy: Understand that everyone else is also navigating the interplay between external events and their internal responses. Practicing empathy strengthened my connections and reinforced my understanding of shared human experiences. It's amazing how many people out there opened up when I began sharing my story.
  4. Goal Setting: Setting clear goals has helped me go slow to go fast. Accepting where I am and taking steps toward my end goal helped remind me of my role in shaping my life.

The world is going to happen to us; it's inevitable. 

But, let's step into the role of both observer and creator, because YOU are happening to the world! 

About the Author

I am an educator who values the individuality and uniqueness of others. Writing the blog R.E.A.L. is an outlet for me to pay it forward by sharing ideas, influences, lessons learned and exposing a little vulnerability while encouraging others to maximize their R.E.A.L. potential, as well.